Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another date today...

We have another date planned for we are on a roll, two dates in one weekend. This couple is a tad on the younger side for us. I generally like hanging out with the 30 and older crowd. They are 25/27 Mr. Learning set this up for us. He has been chatting with them for a few weeks. I've stayed out of the conversation because well I have no idea. Usually I like to interject a few things but this one, I haven't felt the need. The odd thing that I have noticed so far is that they only want to communicate via email. I always feel better when a couple chats with us on the phone prior to meeting.  The other thing that is irking me is that their face pics are not open to us. I just asked Mr. Learning if they are married but he didn't know so we will see how this one goes.

After Friday I'm beginning to keep track of failed dates.  I'm such a geek/data girl.  We are up to four lack of connection dates out of the five we have done. What I mean by failed  is that there is no connection via chemistry/personality/other.  Though who knows if Friday should ve considered lack of connection because I've gotten 5 text messages from Mrs. Republican....if they wanted to blow us off, would they be writing? Anyways...I'm writing little notes about the date that I remember like one, the people were too damn old for us. They had NO energy. He was 56, she was 55. Their kids were my age. He kept on noting that it would be sensual to get me in the shower.  No thanks! Mr. Regular has a son my age (adopted) but his energy level is not reflected in his age. He's in his early 50's but acts like a 30 year old.It's all about how you act and how much energy you bring to the table. We tend to enjoy coupled who have this youthful energy level about them. 

Anyways, we will see how this date turns out. Meeting new people is always fun but it can get a tad exhausting. At least lately we are meeting some nice people :) we may not connect but they are nice. Plus it's brushing us up on out social skills.


  1. No phone conversation and no face pics? HUGE red flags to me! Veronica and I have made that mistake before and now insist on the ladies talking on the phone to arrange the date, no exceptions.

    I hope it's not a mistake for you...

    Good luck tonight!

  2. I hope it went well for you. Ian (my fiance) and I haven't met many people yet, but the no face pics does seem to be kind of suspicious. Can't wait to hear how it went.

    - Holly
