Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Went back to work today.  Cried for about half an hour on my way to work.  I know baby learning is in an excellent daycare but it's hard.  Every mom knows this and they say it gets easier.  Mr. Learning is an amazing dad.  I don't know how single people do this parenting thing.  He is so helpful!  I love my man :)  I married well...  


  1. Was there a post that was lost about you planning to try carb cycling again to lose weight (not that from the photos you don't look great now)! It popped up last week, but disappeared when the blogger world had its hiccup.

    If so, would be interested in hearing what cycle works best for you.

  2. Ugh, I remember that all too well. I think it took me 6 solid weeks before I didn't cry on the way to work. It DOES get easier.

    Isn't it wonderful to know that you have a wonderful partner in your life whether it be sexual or family?

