Sunday, May 1, 2011

We have a son that travels well!!!! For right now that is but I will take it.  We had a great weekend, it was amazing.  We started out at the regulars and had dinner with their family and our son.  They watched the kid and we played board games with their son and his girlfriend.  Then we chilled for the rest of the night chatting about current events.  The son slept 10 hours!!!!  Woot woot!  We got up and headed into Chicago where we met the godparents for a birthday dinner.  It was nice.  Then Mr. Learning communicated a boundary (which never happens...he is stepping up!!)  He noted "hey we would like to hang but I'm tired so we are going back to the room and crash" and crash we did.  We got this huge room, downtown, on priceline for super cheap.  We were in our PJs at 6pm and little man slept 6 hours.  Okay, can you say amazing...I could get to this. 

Did better at WW this past week.  Loaded up on transitional clothes at goodwill and got some new jewelry at Target.  It feels great to be outbid the maternity clothes and into something that fits.  I'm feeling more like me again.  Starting the gym with cross training tomorrow.  Life is getting back to normal.  

So the regulars finally went full though not with the chemistry's.  Which makes me wonder why Mrs. Regular was so worried a few weeks ago. Anyways, Mr. Regular and I were texting back and forth today and he noted that they were full now.  He said something like "when you get back in the game maybe...". I just told him that we are taking it slow and he can make time for us softies if they want.  They have been hitting the lifestyle circuit pretty heavy.  I still contend that when you are soft and hanging out with all fulls, well you are going to be eventually a full. It's way too tempting.  

We have a meeting planned next month.  It's going to be strictly vanilla because we are meeting a couple who is looking for swingers with kids to do vanilla stuff with.  It might be a good match and they know we are vanilla right now so they are kosher with that.  We are clear about our break and it's not an issue for them.  We'll see but at least it would be nice to meet a couple who has young kids because it feels like there are very few couples like us.  

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